Deb Gutierrez

Nothing is more beautiful than when you know how amazing you are


Are you tired of the overwhelming feeling of being stuck with your current health and weight?

Are you confused and frustrated with ongoing body pain, digestive stress, weakness, migraines, or headaches?

Are you frustrated with the confusion of what and when to eat?

Are you done with the deprivation and self-sabotage?

Friend, It is not expected to gain weight, have pain, anxiety, exhaustion, lack of mobility, poor digestion, and health issues.

If you hide behind your friends and family in pictures, cannot get a good night's sleep, always feel tired, and find yourself constantly bloated, I want you to know that we can find solutions by uncovering your root cause. 

I empower you to regain control of your health and return to the energeticjoyful, and vibrant you.

Here’s what Bailey wrote:

“Deb and I started working together about 2 1/2 months ago. I was at one of the most challenging moments of my life, health-wise, and it was feeling like too big of a task to tackle at the moment. She is encouraging and helped me understand even small changes will be beneficial. She cares about your needs and what will be most important for you. Working with Deb through a major surgery, various procedures, and many doctors appointments; I was more equipped and prepared than ever before. Deb continues to help me learn about the food and nutrients, and other changes in my environment will improve my health and hormones. She is able to give grace when I need it, and keep me motivated to stay on track. If you are thinking of working with Deb, my only suggestion besides DO IT is, to be honest. If you are honest and let her know what you want, how you learn, how you motivate, and what your struggles are; she will personalize goals and create a structure that works for you- not just right now, but one you can maintain.”

Stop beating yourself up. quit stressing. We will find an attainable solution to your goals

She cares deeply about helping women break through the habits that rob them of living well. By working with Deb, I achieved fat loss, better energy, and more peace.
— Amy A.

"The food you eat can either be the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison."




As a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP) and Holistic Health Coach (CHC), my focus is to look at your body’s symptoms and signs through specific assessments and tests to determine where there may be imbalances.

I take a holistic, bio-individual, and foundational approach to restore imbalances, rejuvenate healthy digestion, balance blood sugar, discover potential deficiencies, normalize hormones, and enhance the body’s detoxification pathways. 

Getting the body in balance is the foundational piece that will bring you directly to your optimal health and desired weight goals.

She goes above and beyond to tailor specific plans for each individual client. And she truly cares about her clients, which shows in the time and attention she devotes to each one.
— Julie R.

Whether you desire to achieve an optimal healthy weight, heal your gut, gain better sleep, increase performance, reduce stress, and or food cravings, when we work together you will develop a solid understanding of which foods provide you the best energy while reducing inflammation.

I use every tool in my arsenal to help you achieve the joyful and healthy lifestyle you so deserve.

We will create homeostasis back in your body. We do not chase the symptoms. I do not prescribe one method - you are unique and so is your protocol.

Let’s get started. So you can step back into the vitality that you know is deep inside you. YOU DESERVE THIS.

Schedule a FREE 20-minute consultation call today.


let’s do this together

Work With Me

Your transformation starts with a free consult call
